i wasn't joking

I really am holiday obsessed. Here's a halter apron that emerged from the sewing machine today. The fabric is from Reprodepot, but I bought it way back in July, when I stocked up on creative supplies on a visit home to the states.
Speaking of which ... my fabric supply is dwindling. Time to start ordering enough to get me through the next six months. My dear, sweet mummy will be hauling a duffel-full of fabric, books, and patterns when we meet up this Christmas in Roatan, Honduras. Ever been? While I'm partial to snowy holidays, I can't complain. Plus, the whole lot of us will be there - Patrick's parent's and three siblings (one of whom is a Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras,) and my mom and dad. Nothing like killing two families with one stone. Hmm ... perhaps that idiom doesn't quite fit the bill? We are loving children. Really. :)
Posts will be short and sweet this coming week due to my parent-teacher conferences, but you will most certainly be hearing from me by Wednesday with your swap partner info! Swap entries close at midnight tonight.
Speaking of which ... my fabric supply is dwindling. Time to start ordering enough to get me through the next six months. My dear, sweet mummy will be hauling a duffel-full of fabric, books, and patterns when we meet up this Christmas in Roatan, Honduras. Ever been? While I'm partial to snowy holidays, I can't complain. Plus, the whole lot of us will be there - Patrick's parent's and three siblings (one of whom is a Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras,) and my mom and dad. Nothing like killing two families with one stone. Hmm ... perhaps that idiom doesn't quite fit the bill? We are loving children. Really. :)
Posts will be short and sweet this coming week due to my parent-teacher conferences, but you will most certainly be hearing from me by Wednesday with your swap partner info! Swap entries close at midnight tonight.
So adorable! I just love your colors and fabric choices.
That's one great apron!
i love that apron, you did a great job. We have been listening to christmas music here since haloween, and I think we will decorate for the holiday next week instead of after thanksgiving! I am glad to know someone else is in the same boat.
I hope you gets lots of good chocolate for christmas!
Wow, that is one flattering apron! Is there going to be a pattern for that too?
love it. i think that you could easily adapt that pattern into a cute little dress too!
Add to the pattern list, please! :)
How Cute! Looks very festive too. Love it.
you are so incrdiby talented!! I love your style. My daughter was in Montessori and we have now been homechooling for 8 years. I love peeking in to the all the projects you work on! I have also used a photo from your blog, but did leave you a credit.Cheers-
so beautiful! I waaaaant one just like this!
Fabulous apron! I'd love one like that.
I would buy a pattern for that apron! It's fantastic.
I have friends who lived in Roatan, they still have their home there, but have since moved back to the states. Small world!
I love that apron too! You did a great job and I hope you develop a pattern for it.
By the way, when I lived in Mexico I had a hard time getting fabric other than manta or cotton/poly blends which I wouldn't use. I was wondering if I could make a fabric donation to the load your mom is bringing to you? I'd love to send you some fabrics that I think you'd love.
you clever girl...did you just make this by keep looking at the other design? (which incidentally is gorgeous too) I love your colours...very festive!
Perfect Meg!!! This is a crazy week here too with parent/teacher conferences... small world ;)
cute cute cute apron! I love it! I have been wanting to make that one too! and fun fun fabric!
Oh, I love that red and green together, and strangely I did not immediately think Christmas. My first thoughts were about how lovely and bright it was!
So did you make it up from muse inspiration, because now you have me inspired too... is it lined? I love it... I wish you could hold my hand and walk me through your process, but it is so lovely and inspiring I am willing to take a creative leap... any tips will be most welcome!
que divino!!!
I have been wanting to make an apron but just couldn't find a pattern I LOVED...I hope you consider a tutorial or patter for sale for this beauty!
OH MY it is beautiful! Oddly enough I was looking at that same fabric at Reprodepot for an apron but I picked a Vintage Ornament fabric instead, waiting for it now.
ADORABLE pattern as well, wher is that? I usually make my own but that one is just way nicer than I could imagine. GREAT job!
Great looking apron and the fabric is really cute. Great idea to stock up because you probably wouldn't be able to find it now.
That is fabulous! I must make one! Is there a pattern? I would love one.
Please, please make that a pattern or a tutorial. That is one gorgeous apron! I love it!
Hi I'm new to your site via Sew Mama Sew! Love it!!! I've been searching the net for cute aprons and this is the winner. Do you make tutorials?
I'll be back to see!
So, so, so cute! Please do a tutorial or put up a pattern for us to but so I can stop drooling & get to sewing!
Karen G.
Gorgeous, adorable, and heavenly! That Apron is TOPS! I'd definitely buy a pattern too!
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