Jan 5, 2008

back in the saddle again

After a bit of monkey business,


and flying through the air with the greatest of ease,

roatan 133

we have returned home refreshed and ready to take on 2008.

More pics from our Honduran holiday here.

What a year it has been. The blog was just a spark in my imagination a year ago. There were no thoughts of writing sewing patterns. Patrick's grad school application deadlines seemed eons away. And who would have guessed that my parents and all of my in-laws would be vacationing together on a Caribbean island?

Most of all, I would never have been able to fathom the joy that has come from being a part of such a warm, supportive community of creative people, incredible parents, and inspired teachers. Thank you for sharing your ideas and your heartfelt notes, your hilarious anecdotes as well as your doubts and questions. When I was away from the internet during my vacation, the fondness I feel for all of you came to the surface - several weeks is a long time to be away from all of you fellow bloggers, readers, and flickr friends. I found myself yearning to read your posts and wondering how your holidays have been. A general feeling of warmth and a certain smile always accompany such thoughts. I've come to consider you all friends - very precious friends who keep me inspired, motivate me to get things done, lift my spirits when I'm feeling down, and keep me connected when I'm feeling alone here in rural Mexico. I look forward to sharing the upcoming year with you - it's challenges, frustrations, and triumphs. It's adventures. It's silliness. It's going to be a big year, what with moving across a border, Patrick starting grad school and me looking for a new job. A year of changes.

Know that whatever 2008 has up its sleeve, you all will play an integral role in all that will be wonderful about it! Thank you for reading, my friends!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this site! It has quickly become one of my favorites! I am excited to see what 2008 has in store!

Jaime said...

Welcome back Meg! Your holiday looks like it was a blast! :)

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pics. I love the one w/the guys on the beach w/the dog! It looks like you had a great time.

claudia said...

Changes are good! I hope that you will have fun and learn from all the new things that will happen in your life in 2008.
P.S. the monkeys scared me a little ;)

Anonymous said...

There's at least one Sewing Papa here too! ;)

I love your blog, your creativity, and your commitment to teaching.

Nicki said...

Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you!
Your holiday looks like it was AMAZING!

Reese Dixon said...

Glad to have you back, Meg. I'm looking forward to lots of tips on teaching children since we'll be having our first in a few months. Happy 2008!

Emily Cole said...

Meg, I love your site, it's so beautiful, and I especially love the mix of Montessori and 'just' life stuff! Great job on your blog, and I can't wait to see everything that goes on in this new year! Em

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Ah! Happy New Year! I love how invigorated and vital you both look, like you have been having some serious fun. Que bueno... I look forward to the year ahead, and to seeing what awaits us. I am glad you will continue to share parts of your journey... gracias.

Berlinswhimsy said...

So glad to see you back and that you made it to your destination! I have to admit I kind of wondered about how you were doing with all of your travel issues...

Happy New Year to you and I look forward to all of your wonderful creativity in this forthcoming year.

Jess L. said...

Welcome back and happy new year! I'm glad you're posting again and looking forward to a year full of change. It sounds like your upcoming year now is a lot like my 2007. Best of luck to you finding the most awesome job ever.

Unrelated: I hope you don't mind, but I added a couple tags to your parrot photo! Those lovely fellows aren't macaws, they're yellow crowned (also known as yellow naped) Amazon parrots! As an Amazon parrot nerd and all-around pedant, I couldn't resist. :D

Anonymous said...

Argh - that last one was from me, Jess - I didn't realize it would use my unused blogger name. Oops.

jojoebi-designs said...

welcome back Meg,
Can't wait to see what creative goodness you come up with this year.

Anonymous said...

amazing, meg. you are so amazing!
happy new year!

Cora said...

Happy New Year,

I just can't get over your photos... they really are amazing!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blog you have here. I just found it recently and am thrilled by your fabric choices and great ideas. As a former Montessori Kindergarten teacher (I now stay home with my children), the pictures of your classroom are heartwarming and bring back so many memories for me. Thank you for the glimpse...Cherish those little ones and know that you are an inspiration to many!!

oshun said...

Your site is a pleasure to peruse.
I whish you a good year and I am looking forward your new posts for 2008 !

Katherine said...

So glad you had a wonderful holiday with family and are re-energized for a new year.
Looking forward to seeing what 2008 brings through your wonderful blog.

Bethany said...

I missed you Meg!!! But it made me happy to think of you having so much fun! Now I'm glad you're back :)

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