the lucky number and a heidi headband hiatus
Thanks for all of your comments! I used a this random number generator to pick the lucky lady, and the winner this time is ...
COMMENT #3! So Theresa, could you send me your mailing address when you get a chance? Felicidades, as we say down here south of the border. You can expect a package of handmade goodness by the end of August!
I took a few minutes today to make some of Amy's "Heidi Headbands" from Bend the Rules Sewing.
This one is for a six-year-old, so I added elastic instead of a twill tape tie so she can manage it without help from an adult.
These are so quick and fun to make! Just sing Zippidy-doo-dah a few times and you'll be finished. (Okay, so I guess you'd have to sing it about 30 times.) May I suggest some other music instead? We just discovered Annet Louisan, a German singer whose music is relaxing in an "I'm-hanging-out-in-a-French-cafe" sort of way. Perfect for crafting, and perfect for adding to your world music curriculum!
My reading pillow has been getting some action, as well. Thinking about making your own? Be sure to sign up for my mailing list in the side bar! You'll be the first to know when the pattern becomes available!

Ta ta for now,
I have just recently found your blog and I love what I have read so far! And those head-bands turned out great! And LOVE that reading pillow! Can't wait until the pattern comes out. :)
Woo hoo! I am so excited!Thanks, meg, and I will be sure to pay it forward ASAP!
So Megz...I know a three year old who would love these to Fabrics on Mill Street to check out ribbon.
Love Mom
What cute headbands - so chic!
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