Who Am I? Cards and Composers Definition Stages
I've written up a set of Who am I? cards to go with the instruments of the orchestra and composer materials. Download by clicking on the Box.net "View My Files" button in the side bar. Print them out, write the answer on the back and laminate. Easy-peasy.
I've also written definition stages that feature 5 composers. This material should also be directly downloadable under the "Composers" folder at the "View My Files" button. The photos are there as well. You will need to print off two sets of the photos, cut them out, and paste them onto card stock.Here's the pretty composer definition stages pouch made using Karla's tutorial.
I spent the majority of the day laminating and cutting (my husband arrived from his U.S. sojourn with two cartridges of laminate for my Xyron 900!) I went to the local stationary store and had the control books bound. I think I'm about all set with the music curriculum. I was even able to put some fitting music note buttons on as closures to some of the pouches. The only items left on my list are:
1.) Design and make CD pouches for the World Music Curriculum.
2.) Make pouches for the Who Am I? cards.
3.) Buy the world music instrument 3-part cards from Michael Olaf (one day!)
A note to those of you downloading this material. I use a font called Monotype Corsiva. If you don't have it on your computer, the formatting might be messed up. If this is the case, look to install the font or simply highlight the text and change the font to one available to you.
I can't wait to share with you some of the incredible material-making supplies my husband brought back with him ... more on this later! Oh, and a warm welcome to all the Montessori teachers of Nashville, Tennessee! Thanks to Debi for telling them about the blog at their meeting!
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