Memory Game of Numbers
Tiny envelopes with snap closures really liven up the Memory Game of Numbers. You will need about 1/4 yard of the main fabric for the pouch (here in green plaid,) but the rest you can salvage from your scraps. Just make sure you have enough scrap fabric to make all 11 envelopes, which need to be identical.
Large Storage Pouch
1.) Cut out two piece of your main fabric to about 24 x 38 cm. Add a triangular end if you like. If your fabric is lightweight like mine was, you should cut and iron on interfacing to the wrong sides of each main piece. With right sides together, using a 1/2 inch seam allowance, sew together the two pieces, leaving a gap of several inches where you will turn the piece.
2.) Trim corners and allowances, turn, and press.
3.) Fold the bottom up and decide how deep you want your envelope to be. Pin in place and sew close to the edge, closing the opening in the process. Add a store-bought bias binding or make your own like I did. Starting at the bottom of the envelope, attach the binding. Check out this tutorial if you aren't sure how to go about this. I used a ladder stitch to attach the binding to the "wrong side." Tiny Envelopes
4.) Now make 11 little envelopes. Cut out a "arrow shaped" pattern with card stock. The rectangular base will be about 6cm x 9cm. The pointy part of the triangle will extend about 3 cm more, for a total length of about 12cm. Cut out 22 arrows. Pin them right sides together and stitch around using a 1/2 in. seam allowance - leave a small opening to turn, preferably on the upper side of the main rectangle. 5.) Turn and press. Fold up bottom half and pin. Topstitch (very close to the edge!) around the entire envelope, catching the open seam as you sew. Sew on the two snap pieces by hand, hiding the stitches between the two layers of fabric.
6.) Write out the numbers 0 through 10 on card stock. Laminate, cut, and insert them into their pockets.
C'est tout! Actually, this is a bit of a project, so be forewarned! You must REALLY LIKE small envelopes if you are to ward off insanity. :)
Oh ... the Saturday Song took a sabbatical. I was too into my envelopes. Back next week!
I love these! Honestly...i will have to make these with my eldest girlie :)
Thanks for the great tutorial...don't know you you have the time besides teaching and your own kids....yowzers!
I'm thinking about making these for my son...but I have to sheepishly admit, I'm not exactly sure how you play the game! Would you care to elaborate? (Or did I just miss it?)
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